Data source management home

On this home page, you can create, edit and view data sources.

  1. Status: Filters the data source list by the availability of data sources stored in the data storage.

    • Enable: Displays data sources that have been ingested and are available in workbooks or workbenches.

    • Preparing: Displays new data sources whose ingestion is in progress.

    • Failed: Displays data sources that have not been created properly.

    • Disabled: Displays data sources that have been ingested but are not available because of an error in a certain Druid process.

  2. Publish: Filter the data source list by public workspace.

    • Open Data: Displays only data sources publicly available in all workspaces.

    • Admin Workspace: Displays only data sources available in the administrator workspace.

    • Shared workspaces: Displays only data sources available in the selected shared workspaces.

  3. Creator: Filters the data source list by user or group that created the source data.

  4. Created time: Determines whether the data source list is filtered by created or updated time. You can choose from among All, Today, and Last 7 days or specify a time range to display only those entries that were created/updated within the range.

  5. Search by name of data source: Searches the data source list for the name you type in.

  6. Data source list: Lists data sources filtered by specified criteria. Click an entry in the list to view its details. (Refer to Data source details)

  7. Delete: Hover the mouse over a data source to display a trash icon. Click the icon to delete the data source.